#OK-479 Woods County, Oklahoma 160acres M/L
Woods County Oklahoma
SOLD $235,000 - Agricultural, Cropland: Cultivation, Grass land, Hunting
OK-479 160 acres

Listing #OK-479 

Price: $235,000 

160 acres m/l. Woods County Oklahoma Hunting Land for sale on Whitehorse Creek. Cultivated farmland and Native Pasture Grazing. This quarter section of land offers multiple opportunities for Farming, Grazing and Hunting with upland native pasture, rolling hills, scattered trees and cultivated farmland. Northern Woods County Oklahoma is well known for producing trophy Whitetails, Rio Grande Turkeys and excellent quail habitat. The cultivated land is normally planted to wheat, providing an excellent high-protein forage crop to the massive Whitetails along Whitehorse Creek during hunting season. USDA info shows: 65.46 acres of cropland, with 64.8 base acres and a 26-bushel wheat yield. 

Location is approximately 13 miles west of Alva Oklahoma, then 3 miles north, then 2 miles west.

Legal: NW/4, Section 8-27N-16W Woods County Oklahoma. 

Priced at $235,000 

For more information please contact Land Specialist – Mitchell Terrel at 580-732-0504

Email inquiries to info@huntingcountry.net

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  • White Horse Creek 160 acres Woods County Oklahoma
    #OK-479 Woods County, Oklahoma 160acres M/L
Approximate Location

Agent Mitchell Terrel

Owner/Broker Mitchell Terrel is a graduate of Northwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor…
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Mitchell Terrel